Fiction Friday: “In the Beginning”


(Taken from

I had this little story rattling around my head for a couple of years. I’ve never wrote it down, until now. It’s influenced by Andy Weir’s short story The Egg, including the second person perspective. My story is not as well thought out as Weir though. Honestly the plot is kind of contrived and half-assed. But I needed to get it out of my head.

A side note: I read The Martian when Weir was still posting it on his website until he had to take it down when it was published as a book. So I’m kinda hipster.

Anyway, story.



You stood outside an imposing Gate when you saw a man whose size seemed to fill the entire expanse strolling out to meet you.

“Welcome,” He said. Despite His imposing bulk, His voice had the timbre of a grandfather’s kindly tenor.

“I’m in Heaven,” you said.

“More or less.”

“Who are you?”

“I am God the Father.”

“Are you here to judge me?”

“No,” He said, “I am here to guide you.”


“Walk with me.”

You followed the Father through the Gate and into Heaven. You stood for a moment and noticed something strange.

“Where’s everyone?”

The Father smiled.

“There is only us,” He said.

You stood near the edge of Heaven, uncertain and wary of the Father and of the endless empty realm that stretched out before you.

“Come,” said the Father.

You looked back and saw that the Gate were closed. It was only forward now. The Father waited as you slowly walked towards Him.

“So what now?” you asked Him.

“Now we talk. I am sure you have questions.”

And as you walked through the Isles of the Blessed, the Father recounted the entire history of the universe: its birth, its habits and whims, and its eventual death.

Thus passed an eternity.

You and the Father were walking on the Celestial Lake when you came across a being that radiate light so intensely that even the Father had to shield His eyes.

“I am God the Son,” said the being, “Walk with me.”

So you left the Father and walked with the Son. And as you walked through the Elysian Fields, the Son revealed to you the entire history of humankind: its innocence, its boundless energies and relentless pursuits, and its eventual destruction.

Thus passed an eternity.

You and the Son were walking across the Lands of Paradise when you met an old man who was filled with such contemplative peace that even the Son was humbled before him.

“I am God the Holy Spirit,” the old man said. “Walk with me.”

So you left the Son and walked with the Holy Spirit. And as you walked through the fiery firmaments of Heaven, the Holy Spirit enlightened you on your entire histories: your conceptions, your numerous life journeys, and your eventual passings.

Thus passed an eternity.

You and the Holy Spirit were walking across the outermost sphere of Heaven when you came across another imposing Gate.

“Now it is time for you to walk alone,” said the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit smiled. “That is for you to find out.”

“Am I going to Hell?”

He shook his head. “Hell, Heaven, Earth, they are merely different shades of you.”

“But who am I?”

“You are what you are.”

And with a gentle nudge, the Holy Spirit ushered you through and into the darkness. You turned around and saw his wizened smile disappear behind the Gate.

So you wandered alone, lost and abandoned. Constantly searching for the Gate back to Heaven.

Thus passed an eternity.

You were drifting through the emptiness when you started to observe your surroundings not as they were, not as they are, but as what they could be. You moved across the void and knew what you had to do.

And you said:

“Let there be light.”

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